- AI Alignment
- AI Safety
- Large Models
I’m a PhD student at the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Peking University, advised by Prof. Yaodong Yang (both a good teacher and a helpful friend in my life). In 2024, I was honored to receive the first batch of National Natural Science Foundation funding for the Youth Student Basic Research Project (Ph.D. students); the sole recipient from Peking University in the field of intelligence. Before this, I conducted research on safe reinforcement learning and won the championship in the NeurIPS 2022 MyoChallenge for robotic dexterous manipulation.
吉嘉铭,北京大学人工智能研究院博士生在读,导师为杨耀东老师,研究方向为强化学习、大模型的安全与价值对齐,在计算机顶级会议期刊发表口头、焦点论文等十余篇,谷歌学术引用累计2200余次,是baichuan系列模型开源的核心贡献者,模型累计下载500W,GitHub开源累计获得2W+ Star。曾获首批国自然博士青年基金资助(2023年度北京大学智能学科唯一),苹果学者奖学(Apple Scholar,全国仅两位),获北京大学博士最高研究奖“校长奖学金”, 首届中国电子学会—腾讯博士生科研激励计划(全国17人),获 NeurIPS‘22 机器人灵巧操作比赛冠军,研究成果及模型被OpenAI 、Meta引用,被MIT Tech Review报道。
Currently, i focus on AI Safety and Alignment.